
Method 美則浴廁天然清潔劑-尤加利薄荷 828ml

Method 美則浴廁天然清潔劑-尤加利薄荷 828ml


  • 天然無毒害成分,可迅速生物分解的配方
  • 專利Powergreen綠色草本清潔科技
  • 通過美國環保署認可


Method 美則浴廁天然清潔劑-尤加利薄荷 828ml

Method 美則浴廁天然清潔劑-尤加利薄荷 Method Tub+Tile Spray - Eucalyptus Mint



清潔打掃浴室,一定不是你每個禮拜想做的事的頭一項,這當然也不是我們喜歡的! 所以我們研發了一個可以清潔浴廁的頑強污垢,全新的草本配方的綠色潔淨科技powergreen?來消除皂垢跟討厭的殘留污垢,當清洗浴廁變得更輕鬆省時,少擦洗=更多的時間遊玩,你得為多出來的時間找些事情做,因為你不用再刷磁磚,享樂的時間變多了~

★國際級設計大師Karim Rashid設計的時尚瓶身★

『Karim Rashid』被譽為塑膠詩人並素有設計金童的稱號,擅長以勾勒未來世界的設計風格及全方位的創作功力,無人能出其右。目前居紐約十大設計師首位,歷來榮獲最佳產品及設計師大賞。



find something else to do with your elbow grease

cleaning your bathroom probably isn’t at the top of your weekend-fun list. it’s certainly not on ours. so we developed a tub + tile cleaner that does the heavy-lifting for you. the plant-based formula with new powergreen? technology dissolves soap scum + pesky stains, so you do less scrubbing. less scrubbing = more time for fun. now that’s the kind of math we can get behind.

powergreen? technology is cutting-edge green chemistry that harnesses the strength of naturally derived, non-toxic ingredients to deliver a mighty cleaning punch. our bathroom cleaner is powered by a combination of plant-based surface modifiers that help prevent grimy build-up, while solvents derived from timber mill by-products dissolve soap scum.

the proud brainparents of method and the very first people against dirty

美則 (Method) 清潔用品公司是由亞當(Adam Lowry)和艾瑞克(Eric Ryan)創立,自2000年成立後,以環境永續概念和創新設計手法改造居家使用的清潔用品,開啟清潔用品革新腳步,並在競爭激烈的個人護理及居家清潔用品市場中,占有一席之地,其樹立起之正面榜樣,在2006年更被Inc.雜誌選為全美最快速成長的公司第七名。




●2000年,由亞當(Adam Lowry)和艾瑞克(Eric Ryan) 創立Method美則清潔 用品公司。
●2002年,國際設計大師Karim Rashid為Method美則設計一系列的瓶身。
●2006年,Inc.雜誌評選Method美則清潔用品公司為全美最快速成長的公司 第七名。
同年,亞當(Adam Lowry)和艾瑞克(Eric Ryan)宣布加入善待動物組織(PeTA)並獲得認同。

We’re in business to change business. At method, we see our work as an amazing opportunity to redesign how cleaning products are made and used, and how businesses can integrate sustainability. Our challenge is to make sure that every product we send out into the world is a little agent of environmental change, using safe and sustainable materials and manufactured responsibly. Little green soldiers in the battle of doing-well-by-doing-good, if you will. This is why we make our bottles from 100% recycled plastic, why we constantly seek to reduce the carbon emitted by our business (and why we offset the remainder), why we never test on animals, why we design innovative products using natural, renewable ingredients, and why we’re transparent about the ingredients we use, how we make our products, and what our track record is as a green business.

Method 美則浴廁天然清潔劑-尤加利薄荷 828ml

